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KATEEVA 的 YIELDJET™ FLEX 噴墨列印系統在 OLED 薄膜封裝 (TFE) 市場遙遙領先

September 21, 2016

今天在聖地亞哥市召開的 OLED 全球峰會上,OLED 生產設備領軍企業 Kateeva 宣布其 YIELDjet™ FLEX 系統已憑借在關鍵有機層沉積製程上的絕對領先優勢,領先整個 OLED 薄膜封裝 (TFE) 市場


OLED 生產設備領導商 KATEEVA 完成 8,800 萬美元 E 系列籌資行動

May 19, 2016

該矽谷科技領先廠商為量產柔性有機發光二極體 (OLED) 推出了創新設備的解決方案,一舉顛覆了整個平板顯示器的產業。柔性 OLED 技術的出現,使平板顯示器廠商無需受到玻璃基板的限制,並可盡情發揮新產品的設計創新。這項技術使業界得以生產超級輕薄、可彎曲、可滾捲、甚至可折疊的顯示器。Kateeva 的解決方案又名 YIELDjet™ 平台,可讓廠商在 OLED 生產製程中運用噴墨列印和新穎創新技術,完成關鍵性的技術步驟。OLED 技術是今日的潮流和趨勢,並可將全球顯示器產業帶往令人振奮的全新高度;擁有 YIELDjet 工具能加速這項技術的應用。


KATEEVA全球總部及 生產營運部已整合並搬入灣區面積更大的全新建築內

July 15, 2015



Kateeva公司任命威廉•宋為中國和台灣地區 銷售和支援服務總監

April 30, 2015

這位資深的專業銷售人才帶來 豐富的平板顯示器、LED和半導體產業經驗



January 3, 2015

OLED產業領導者攜手合作,加速為大尺寸電視採用噴墨式RGB OLED技術 加州門羅派克, 2015年1月13日—Kateeva今日宣佈與Sumitomo Chemical有限公司 (Sumitomo) 建立重要合作夥伴關係。


KATEEVA 推出 YIELDJET™ FLEX - 一項專為柔性曲面消費電子產品 創新 OLED 顯示器提供的製造設備量產解決方案

November 18, 2014

Kateeva 公司即將推出全新製造設備,此舉亦將柔性消費電子產品推向主流市場。這家以技術著稱的沉積設備供應商本週將在加州聖克拉拉市舉辦的美國印刷電子會議上推出 YIELDjet™ FLEX 新產品;這是一項專為柔性有機發光二極體 (OLED) 提供的高性能量產解決方案。


KATEEVA擴展銷售業務的支援架構 任命顧客滿意部門資深副總裁; 擴建矽谷生產廠

May 28, 2014

Kateeva, Inc.於今日宣布兩項關鍵行動,支援其OLED應用噴墨式印刷生產設備解決方案的銷售業務。首先,公司任命專業銷售主管勞倫斯·蒂姆


Kateeva Expands Operation in Korea

January 20, 2014

Kateeva today announced an expansion of its Korea operation, marking a substantial investment in the world’s leading display manufacturing region.


Kateeva Introduces YIELDjet™— an Inkjet Printing Manufacturing Equipment Solution for Mass Producing Flexible and Large-Size OLEDs

November 20, 2013

Aiming to cut the cost of manufacturing flexible and large-size OLEDs, Kateeva today debuted YIELDjet™—an inkjet printing manufacturing equipment solution to produce such OLEDs in high volume.


Kateeva CTO and OLED Co-Inventor Steven Van Slyke Inducted Into 2013 Consumer Electronics Hall of Fame

October 23, 2013

Kateeva Chief Technology Officer and OLED co-inventor, Steven Van Slyke was inducted into the 2013 Consumer Electronics (CE) Hall of Fame for his contributions to the advancement of the consumer electronics industry. Van Slyke was one of 15 industry leaders honored last night at the CE Hall of Fame dinner held in Los Angeles.


Kateeva Names Dr. Alain Harrus as Chief Executive Officer

October 8, 2013

Kateeva today expanded its leadership team by appointing technology executive, Alain Harrus, Ph.D. as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The Silicon Valley start-up is developing a breakthrough inkjet printing manufacturing solution to enable low-cost mass production of flexible and large-scale OLED displays.
